About Jazmine Pendleton

Remember that Kool and the Gang song “Too Hot”? Well, heat is the way across most of the country. If you have any elderly or shut-in folks, please be neighborly and check on them if the mercury is registering temps in your area of 90 degrees and above. And that’s certainly likely as the U.S. […]

D.L. Hughley comments on a big fat lady reading 50 shades of grey, joking "they are going to need a lot of rope to tie her up."He goes on to talk about Mitt Romney, saying he was booed so much he thought he was at the apollo ane Obama sending a video mesage to the […]

Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Christelyn Karazin on her story "Why Doesn't the Black Community Value Marriage" about the idea of illegitimate children and the lack of value placed on marriage in the black community. She notes that 80% of black children are born out of wedlock, while only 19% of those parents […]

Chris Paul blasts through 60 seconds of Steven Tyler leaving American Idol, Chris jokes on Venus's not supporting President Obama; saying, "After getting her but whooped by that Russian white girl,Venus Williams hasn't been practicing Tennis either." Listen to hear more.