About Jazmine Pendleton

Kevin Frazier tells TJMS the latest in celebrity news including DMX and Eve's reunion and more.

African-American actor Frank Silvera starred in many top-tier Hollywood shows and films as a white man. The Kingston, Jamaica native held his strongest roles in the 1950’s and 60’s. With a fair-skinned complexion, Silvera usually played the leading white man on Broadway. He wasn’t able to play a black man until he financed his own […]

Roland Martin talks with Malika Sanders-Fortier about a "bigger and better than ever" monument to early KKK leader and Civil War general Nathan Bedford Forrest that will be built on public property.

Damon Williams jokes with the crew about today's seriously ignorant headlines including a woman who broke into a house while she was on probation, plus more.

Jacque Reid goes "Inside Her Story" with Momma Dee of Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta about her tough life; including, overcoming a near fatal accident, teaching herself to walk again, and "pimping" from her bed.