About Jazmine Pendleton

Huggy Lowdown announces this week's "Bama of the Week." Contender's #1 and #2: Rodney Perry and Tom Joyner, for causing the Chicago Bears to lose because of Tom rooting for the Bears. Contender's #3 and #4: Chad Johson and Chad Ochocinco for pleading not-guilty to his domestic violence charge, "is he crazy." Conternder #5: Sarah […]

Mary J. and D’Angelo continue on their “Liberation” tour, and Anthony Hamilton and Fantasia are right behind them on the concert road this weekend. Usher talks exclusively to Oprah Winfrey on her riveting “Oprah’s Next Chapter” and finds out all the juicy details of his former marriage and how he felt about winning his custody […]

Kym Whitley joins TJMS to talk about her hosting the Cleveland Classic Greek Step Show tonight with Tom Joyner, her new show, family, her love for TJMS, and more.

Jacque Reid goes "Inside Her Story" with Dr. Maya Angelou to discuss voter engagement and the importance of the upcoming election. Angelou is a huge supporter of President Obama, she explained to the TJMS how she does not understand how the black community could lose faith in him so quickly, saying: "How do black people […]

A new resolution called H.R. 6336 has been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives. The resolution will bring the Frederick Douglass historical statue to the U.S. Capitol. The statue has been sitting at One Judiciary Square (a government building) for years. The statue of Frederick Douglass will be the third African-American figure to be […]

Roland Martin talks with fitness guru AJ Johnson about McDonalds posting calories on menus and New York banning super-sized sodas in restaurants.

Chris Paul blasts through 60 seconds of Serena Williams and her new boo, Chad Johnson's divorce, and more on TJMS.

Sybil Wilkes discusses today's news headlines including the rising conflict in the Middle East, the Chicago Teacher's strike, and more on TJMS.