About Jazmine Pendleton

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Snoop Dogg smoking marijuana with his son, the wealthy Chinese Man offering $65 million to turn his daughter heterosexual, and more on masturbating on the TJMS.

J. Anthony Brown Murders Another Hit called 'Vote Obama Style' with comedian A.P.T.

Jacque Reid Goes Inside Her Story with Pam Oliver about the replacement refs in the news, the upcoming Packers/Saints game, and how her new hair color has been a topic of conversation recently.

J. Anthony Brown murders another hit, "Why Do They Lie" using Bob Marley's classic song "No Women, No Cry."

Stephanie Robinson provides questions for the first presidential debate.

Dominique jokes with the crew about a man who's offering $65 million to turn his lesbian daughter heterosexual, she jokes, "her name gigi she like chi-chi Mr. Chow." Plus, more on a lady who falls off a 60ft cliff while smoking and texting.

The next time you use a food processor or a bread maker, think of the name Joseph Lee. In the late 1890’s this African-American inventor made the first food processor. Lee was a restaurant owner who was tired of throwing away day-old bread and looked for a simpler way to recycle it. So he invented […]