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Will your methods work for those who need to loose large amounts of weight like 100-200 pounds?

Yes, we have hundreds of success stories of folks who’s lost over 100 pounds. They are celebrated in our free support group at

It is hard trying to lose weight after a hysterectomy?

Not if you balance your hormones. A hysterectomy causes hormonal decline, so you have to optimize your hormones for weight loss. I teach how to balance your hormones in my private VIP group.

How do you balance your hormones?

It’s a process of finding a qualified hormone doctor, getting a hormone panel and taking natural hormone supplements and creams.

Is the keto diet good to do?

t’s just the latest fad diet that will help folks lose weight in the short-term, but rarely do folks ever keep the weight off. People try low-carb diets, high-protein diets, low-fat diets, high fat, all kinds of fad diets, and then still gain the weight back.

So, the diet is not the answer. Diets are simply not the most effective way to lose weight permanently. Your goal should be to change your lifestyle, including proper nutrition and getting physically active, as a way to achieve your weight-loss goals. “Think Yourself Thin” teaches how to forget about dieting and lose weight permanently!

Give an example of what you eat on a daily basis as a woman over 50 to lose weight.

Breakfast – green smoothie, lunch – Caesar salad with chicken or shrimp, dinner – sea bass, green beans.

What’s the best way to lose the mommy pouch after a C section?

Balance your hormones, cut out all sugar and white refined carbs, and get some sleep, as lack of sleep causes stubborn belly fat.

What’s the best way to lose the belly/back fat for women over 50?

I teach liver cleansing in my private group and it will reduce belly fat… One method for liver cleansing is using apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water daily.  I also have a great supplement called Liver Focus available for liver cleansing and reducing belly/back fat.

What foods can burn fat?

Proteins, healthy fats and veggies.

How important is it to count carbs when dieting?

The count is not as important as the habit of reducing refined carbs (just eliminating breads, pastas and white sugar) will get you to your goal weight faster than you could imagine.

I’m a  67 yr., 300 lb. female who goes to water aerobic class 3 x week. What is the best approach to weight loss? I eat fast food 2-4 times a week.

Focus on eating clean, healthy meals. Weight loss is 80% what you eat. Take time to learn what foods cause fat storage and which cause us to burn fat… it makes all the difference in the world.

Can I have a cheat meal when I’m trying to lose weight? 

Everyone benefits from a cheat meal if they’re trying to lose weight.

How do we balance our hormones. Is it diet or medication?

t’s primarily natural supplements and creams.

How can I lose weight in a wheelchair? I have a crush injury to my left leg and foot from a dump truck from 2007 so working out “normally” is out.

80% of weight loss is what you eat, so eat clean and healthy, and you will lose weight.

How do you know if it is your out-of-whack hormones keeping you from losing weight?

You can get a hormone panel to test your current hormone levels.

JJ Smith is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of “Green Smoothies For Life” and “Think Yourself  Thin”. She’s a nutritionist, certified weight-loss expert, passionate relationship/life coach, and inspirational speaker.  JJ holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Hampton University in Virginia.

She continued her education by completing the Wharton business school executive management certificate program, as a certified nutritionist and weight management expert. She’s also a member of the American Nutrition Association.

Currently, she serves as vice-president and partner in an i.t. consulting firm, she’s also the youngest African –American to receive a vice-president position at a Fortune 500 company.




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