Scarring In the event you believe you’re dealing with persistent or severe acne (cystic acne), seeking out professional help is vital for preventing unnecessary scarring. A dermatologist will make sure you are matched with the correct treatment for your skin type/issue.

Discoloration In addition to scarring, your skin can actually change colors around the infected area. This is called post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (PIH). While PIH is not a scar and can be caused by a variety of skin conditions including: eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, lichen planus, and fungal infections – acne is the most common. This darker dermis can take up to two years to disappear!

Infection When you pop a pimple, you’re tearing at the skin, leaving it open to bacteria. This can lead to wound infection, rash and/or an exacerbated lesion.

Sure, pimple popping sounds like a quick fix. But keep in mind, there are several things you can do to manage and clear up your adult acne that won’t result in any permanent damage.

Should the temptation be too much for you – and you’re hell-bent on squeezing your pimple — do it the most hygienic way possible. Go to your local drug store and pick up a comedone extractor (aka zit extractor; $5-$15) — it’s a small metal device consisting of a small cup on one end and a hole on the bottom. The extractor itself will discharge the pus without scarring or driving the infection deeper into the skin. Of course, you’ll need to disinfect both the tool and your skin once finished.

While I don’t suggest pimple popping of any kind, this method will at least assist in preventing unsightly infection.

What Popping Pimples Actually Does To Your Skin  was originally published on

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