4. Sneezes tend to occur in sequences. Have you ever sneezed, then sneezed two or three times consecutively? This happens for a specific reason. When irritants enter your nose, it often takes several attempts to get those irritants out, which causes you to have consecutive sneezes in sequences of 2 -3 times.

5. You can’t sneeze with open eyes. Your eyes close involuntarily when you sneeze. This happens because your brain receives a message to close your eyes in the lead-up period before you sneeze. This is an involuntary reflex. It is similar to what happens when a physician taps your knee and your other knee automatically jerks upward. Likewise, the reaction of your eyes closing is one which is outside of your normal control.

6. You may be able to prevent a squeeze. Live Science reports that there may be a couple of tricks you can do to prevent a sneeze you may feel coming on suddenly. You can try to rub your nose or press on your upper lip underneath your nose which causes a big, deep breath out your nose. However…

7. Holding a sneeze can be bad for your health! You may be tempted to hold back on sneezing. Don’t. When you hold back a sneeze, it can lead to broken blood vessels in your eyes, a weakening of blood vessels in the brain, rupturing your eardrums and even causing some issues in your diaphragm. Who knew? While these injuries occur in rare instances, they can occur. Next time you feel that sneeze coming on, go ahead and let it out.

Sneezing is a natural occurrence to help you reset your nasal passages. It is your body’s normal way of eliminating irritants from your nose. Next time you feel a sneeze coming on have comfort in knowing that sneezing is healthy, normal and is a necessary step in removing those irritants from your nasal passages.




7 Fun Facts About Sneezing You Probably Didn’t Know  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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