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2. Cardio is just as important as weight training when it comes to getting stronger.

“All the weight lifting in the world won’t make you look stronger if there is fat covering the muscles you’re working. Cardio helps you shred the fat surrounding your muscles while the weights build the muscle. Decreasing body fat percentage is what makes the muscles really show. If you hate cardio, try circuit training that incorporates short cardio breaks in between weight exercise. Swimming, jumping rope and martial arts are great forms of cardio that will help you get ripped!”

3. Gradual increases is key when it comes to weight training.

I always see guys start out at the gym with heavy weights that they clearly struggle with. You may think this is good for the ego, but it’s not so smart for the body. In order to grow the muscles you must gradually increase the amount of weight you move. Muscle growth takes time. I suggest a client use the same amount of weight when weight training for at least three weeks depending on how often they are training and what else they are doing (cardio). By the third week, the weight should start feeling manageable and less hard to lift. If it doesn’t feel easier, take your time before you jump to heavier weights. Listen to your body. If you’re bench pressing 150 for three weeks and it’s still hard, stay at 150 until it’s easier and incorporate other chest building exercises (at 150 pounds), such as chest flies and push-ups.”

Extra tip: Rochelle also says to, “Be mindful of your supplements and your diet. Your diet is everything when it comes to building muscle and burning fat. You can’t outrun or out lift a terrible diet.”


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3 Essential Tips For Bigger, Stronger Muscles  was originally published on

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