3. Aging

I am quite sure this comes as no surprise, but as we age the glands on our scalps aren’t able to produce as much sebum as they did during our youth. This causes your hair to become courser. In some cases, people genetically begin to have thinner hair as well. “Generally speaking, each follicle is still producing a hair but the diameter of each individual hair can marginally decrease over each growth cycle,” explains Phillips.

4. Medication 

Medications that affect your hormones, such as birth control and thyroid medication, can make your hair look and feel extremely brittle. In some rare cases people have even experienced hair loss.

5. Over Styling 

Too much heat styling can alter your natural texture/curl pattern. If you are one to straighten your hair every week, even if you are natural, this can begin to “train,” or in some cases, damage your hair. You will begin to notice that when you wash your hair the curl pattern may appear looser. The unfortunate part about this is it’s not reversible. This type of hair change can only be addressed by cutting your hair and starting all over.

For more hair info, visit KissTheChaos.com and follow me on Instagram: @Ooolala_laa

5 Reasons Your Hair Texture Changes  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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