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2. On Friday and Saturday nights, let loose with a little dancing. Throw on a few of your favorite tunes and dance the night (and those calories) away. Also, be sure to sneak in a couple slow jams when the kids go to bed.

3. Watching your favorite movie or television show together as a family? That’s great since most families no longer do that, but you can make it even better by sneaking in a few jumping jacks, squats and sit-ups in between commercials. Make it a friendly competition by seeing who can get the most jumping jacks in before the movie or TV show returns.

4. When the adults are busy doing chores around the house or yard work, encourage the kids to jump in. While they don’t have to do anything too rigorous, they can help with sweeping the kitchen floor after dinner, raking the leaves in the fall, shoveling the show on the porch in the winter, and watering the plants and grass during the spring and summer months.

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5. Have your kids been begging you for a dog for the longest time and your answer is always no? This may change your mind: According to a study published earlier this year by Michigan State University, dog owners had more active lives than non-dog owners. Makes sense, right? A family walk with the dog is good for everyone.

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