2. Beware of sugary drinks. “Put down that soda and pick up the water. Don’t drink your calories. Many soft drinks and juices have so much added sugar and calories, but they’re hidden in a liquid form. Those calories quickly add up and unfortunately, they add on the pounds. If you must have juice, make sure it’s natural, no added sugar or preservatives and not from concentrate. If you must have juice, squeeze it yourself.”

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3. Focus on your core. “Three to four times per week; don’t overdo it. Your muscles need time to recover and refuel to get stronger. The key to great abs is decreasing your overall body fat and sculpting the muscles, but the muscles won’t grow if you don’t give them a little resting time. On your rest days, focus on stretching.”

4. Sweat it out. “Combine cardio and strength training to get sculpted abs. The cardio is to help burn the fat that is covering your abs and the strength training is to strengthen and tone those ab muscles. When working out, make sure you do three sets of 12-15 reps of each exercise. If the exercise focuses on one side of the body, make sure you work both sides evenly. What this means is if you do a side plank of the left for 30 seconds (three times), then you must do the same on the right side, too.”

Be Ab-Mazing: 6 Keys To Getting Abs On Fleek  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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