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Dear Tom,

My friend Jennifer’s husband died of cancer in October of 2010.  She was having a get together at her home, talking to her little brother about marriage and she said she was looking for a good man.  That’s when he told her, “I got one for you.”  They walk into the next room and there he was – Wesley Greene, Jr.

They hit it off and were soon married.  They made a great team because she loved to cook and he didn’t mind doing the dishes.  She loved Wesley & cared for him until the end.

What makes her story special is that doctors told her that she was unable to have children, but the same week she found out she was pregnant, the doctors diagnosed Wesley with cancer.  They said that he would not live to see the birth of his son but they were wrong and he lived two and a half years with him before he died.

Nine months later, Jennifer lost her father to cancer – she, herself, is a breast cancer survivor and is a big supporter of many local cancer survivor organizations.  2 years ago, my sister in Michigan was dying and i wanted to see her before it was too late.  Without asking, she got me on the first plane out & told me to “go be by her side.”

She continues to be a caregiver welcoming friends and strangers alike into her home and helps them get back on their feet.  I spoke to her this past weekend and she was talking about planning a trip to Disney World with her son and her mother.