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3. Infertility only affects women older than 35.

The truth: We always hear about women of a particular age having difficulty becoming pregnant, and while it’s true that eggs deteriorate with age, younger women in their 20s can struggle with infertility as well. Actually, studies show that a woman’s biological clock starts ticking in her late 20s, 27 to be exact.

4. Most women have an easy time becoming pregnant.

The truth: It makes sense why people would think that most women have an easy time getting pregnant. After all, our bodies were made for babies, but that doesn’t mean that some of us can’t struggle on our journeys to motherhood. Lots of women need a little extra help getting pregnant – and there’s no shame in that whatsoever.

5. Fertility treatments are a sure way to get pregnant.

The truth: Although undergoing fertility treatments boost your chances of a baby by five percent, many couples still struggle to conceive. Keep in mind that adoption is always an option if you know for a fact that kids are definitely something you want in your future. Although having fertility issues makes it more difficult to conceive, of course, it’s not impossible. Don’t lose hope!

5 Biggest Infertility Myths Debunked  was originally published on

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