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Pigeon Pose

You may want to save pigeon pose until you’ve gotten comfortable with your yoga practice, as this pose can be a bit tricky (but not impossible) for beginners. Tight hips can contribute to low back pain, and this pose stretches the hip flexors and rotators.

Try it: Begin in downward-facing dog with your feet together. Lift your right leg off of the mat, draw the right knee in toward your chest. Place the knee down by your right wrist, the front of your right leg parallel (or as close to parallel as possible) to the front edge of the mat. Keep the back leg extended, stretched out long.  Fold your body forward over the front leg. Extend your arms in front of you to elongate your spine. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat on the other leg.

For chronic back pain issues, please consult your doctor before starting a yoga practice.

*Yoga model: Stacy Patrice,



Easy Yoga Poses For Back Pain  was originally published on

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