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The energy this week will resemble much of what went down around the close of 2013. Heightened emotions that lead to significant change and transformation is what to expect, and throughout it all, the need to go easy on ourselves and exercise some patience. Luckily, the New Moon on January 30th will bring a fresh start, and it will feel as if all the turmoil experienced (whether globally or personally) may not have even been necessary. But then again, if you’re finally hip to these signs of the times, no longer afraid of taking certain risks, and thus, steps into the great beyond known as your future; the chaos that plays out over the coming days might serve as an important jump start.

Meanwhile, this is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which examines the themes that will play out over the coming year, taking you month-by-month as you navigate the energetic influence of planetary alignments above. This reading will be specific to you going beyond just your Zodiac sign, and can be done in person or over the phone (for a general overview of what’s in store in 2014, click here to read your annual horoscope).

Until next time, check your horoscopes for the week ahead, and be sure to read for your Ascendant sign too.

On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at

Aries: Efforts at work and home continue to be in effect, with an added emphasis on your vocation. Your career has morphed and changed over the past few years, and hopefully you Rams are doing work that you love. There is one caveat however (isn’t there always?), which involves you tending to an expanding domestic life. If you’re taking on a mortgage or caring for a sick relative, you must strike a chord between this and professional pursuits. A third party or source may bring a solution. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Taurus: This week, Tauruses will be given the opportunity to take all the wisdom and knowledge gained from the outside world, and apply it to their local environment and community. How, you ask? Well, by sharing new ideas and concepts influenced by changing life philosophies with your colleagues and higher ups at the office. Now before you argue with me and say that it can’t be done, please change your attitude and hear me out. Take a chance; the support received may surprise you.  This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Gemini: I’m sure you never realized just how often you base your value and worth on the opinions of others. If you don’t get that bank loan, you might think poorly of yourself. If your lover doesn’t return affection, you might think yourself unworthy. This week offers the opportunity to expand your perspective and take a more a holistic look at who you are and what makes you special. The insights revealed will bring a more fitting personal impression, and increase intimacy with others. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Cancer: What separates you from your partner, Cancer? How can your relationships work in tandem with the personal changes you are currently experiencing? These questions can no longer be swept under the rug because how your sense of self continues to expand will be dependent upon how your significant relationships support you and your growth. It may be time to have a serious discussion with your SO in order to reach an understanding, and before a final merger is cemented. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Leo: A fresh start in an important relationship is what’s in store this week. This will be a result of all the inner reflection and processing you’ve been attempting to resolve, as well as the efforts put forth in managing a healthier way of living and being. The opportunity to simply enjoy interactions with significant others should be welcomed with open arms, dear Leo, especially because you’ll be able to stand firmly in yourself as a fully awakened being. Be on the lookout for new developments. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.


Virgo: Your creative talents will undergo yet another transformation this week, Virgo, which will allow you to take any pet projects to a new level of artistry. Children may be involved and bring added inspiration, and a growing public interest may give you the validation needed. Romance could also be in the works, and you’ll find that others approve. Keep in mind, however, that there is still work to be done. Don’t let creative successes distract you from your ongoing responsibilities.

This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Libra: A fresh start on the romantic front may be a new development this week. But before the excitement can go any further, you’ll have to make sure this person serves a purpose in your life and fits with your future goals. Team Libra is in effect with added emphasis on your career and emotional state of being, and your personal agenda might make it difficult to focus on matters of the heart right now. So be upfront with what you need in the way of personal support, and take it slow. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Scorpio: It can be difficult for Scorpios to really express themselves and say what’s on their minds. It’s not because you guys are secretive; it’s because you feel on such deep levels that it can be daunting to form a simple sentence. This week gives you the opportunity to really speak from the heart in a way that’s compassionate and allows for inspiring dialogue. What comes up for discussion may center on home and family, ultimately leading to a fresh start and new beginning.  This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Sagittarius: Not only do you have the skills and talents to make solid impressions, Sagittarius, but there are a growing number of folks who see your value and want to reward you with thanks and appreciation. In fact, the more you engage in your community, share ideas and express personal opinions; the more you’ll realize (and to your surprise) just how big of an impact you actually make! Personal exchanges with others will increase your self esteem, and help with mergers of all kinds! This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Capricorn: This week you may notice for the first time just how your relationships with others directly impact your relationship with yourself. This correlation has been in effect for a while, but a very stark realization may surprise you. The ultimate lesson here is for you to own your true colors (the good and the bad) without projecting them. No one is responsible for how you behave or react except you. A greater personal value and self esteem will help you to understand this more fully. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Aquarius: A New Moon in your sign on January 30th represents a new beginning (and for those of you with a birthday on Thursday, consider this the real start to your New Year!). Whatever happens as a result will bring a culmination of activity that’s been brewing behind the scenes, and will work in tandem with any routines set in place to help you manage your daily affairs. A new you will soon emerge Aquarius, and finally! A total revamp of your lifestyle and life balance is officially underway. This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to schedule your appointment.

Pisces: You may decide to mix it up with folks who understand you and are aware of what makes you unique. Identifying your tribe has been an ongoing mission, and you may finally see some progress. However, first, you’ll have to do some inner reflection in order to understand your desires to fit in and belong. It may just be that you have some personal work to do before you can begin to merge and network outside of your comfort zone. Take some time this week to pause and reassess.

This is the last week to schedule your 2014 Year Ahead reading, which can be done in person or over the phone. Visit to book your appointment.

Tracey L. Rogers is an Astrologer in the Washington, DC metro area. With over a decade of experience, Tracey brings clarity and insight to your full astrological make up, explaining how astronomical activity above affects us down below. Tracey’s readings are insightful, presenting vital information that leads to self awareness. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. For more information on services, visit