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#3 Kick Up The Cardio

40 to 60 minutes six days a week never hurt nobody. By deliberately including repetitive activities that target the areas where you may have the most cellulite you can let those fat cells know they need to move on over. Literally. The tighter the skin, the less visible fat (and dimples) are. So bike or run to target those thighs or try rowing and boxing for a smoother bra line in the back sis.

#4 Lift Heavy

The average woman loses five pounds of muscle and replaces it with 10 to 15 pounds of fat every decade of adult life. Geez Louise! Since fat is exceptionally soft it doesn’t keep skin taut like muscle does. It also takes up more space – so it bulges out. Therefore  a proper weight-lifting plan can reduce cellulite and make your body look smoother. So what do you say…are you down to ditch those 3lb weights or what?

#5 It’s Time For The Circulator

Cellulite can be made worse by age, weight gain or a sedentary lifestyle. So while you may not be up for a marathon, those marathon sit sessions have to go. Add activity into your day and keep blood circulation moving by taking 10-minute stretch breaks at the top of every hour. And while you are at it, down some good old H2O. Water is the queen of circulation and so is foam rolling P.S. Moving on a foam roller loosens and opens your muscle fascia (tight interwoven fibers) and causes more nutrient-rich blood to circulate through those fibers. We welcome you less cellulite.

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

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Top 5 Secret Weapons To Fight Cellulite  was originally published on hellobeautiful.com

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