A Houston mom, arrested this summer after leaving her children at a food court to attend a job interview, told Inside Edition in a recent interview that she loves her children despite the mistake.

Top News

Jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are projected to grow by 17 percent by 2018, compared to 9.8 percent for jobs in other fields,…

Top News

WASHINGTON (AP) — While unemployment has been a major impediment to African-Americans’ economic progress, underemployment is a bigger obstacle for them than it is for whites or Hispanics, the National Urban League says in its latest State of Black America report. The annual report, called “One Nation Underemployed: Jobs Rebuild America,” noted that African-Americans are […]

National News

Black unemployment remains stubbornly high, at 13.1 percent in October 2013, more than double the rate for Whites. More investment in job-creating infrastructure projects could…