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Who says that being pregnant means you can’t focus on staying glamorous? A major concern is that many everyday beauty products may contain ingredients that aren’t safe for your unborn child. Be aware of the products you are using in your normal regimen, and be more cautious when using these particular products. It’s always best to check with your doctor if you are not sure.

Acne Treatment

Let’s face it, when you are pregnant your hormones are are on the fritz, and therefore your skin may have a mind of its own. Be mindful of how you are treating this, as some acne medications contain dangerous ingredients that could cause birth defects.

Hair Color 

There is much skepticism about whether or not hair dye is safe to use while pregnant. Some doctors say stay away, while others say small amounts are okay. The fact is, hair treatment chemicals are absorbed into the skin, and most of them are toxic having ingredients like ammonia. Your best bet is to just steer clear.


Pregnancy-Proofing Your Beauty Regimen  was originally published on

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