In 2007, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found that 61% of brand-name lipsticks contained lead. The FDA doesn’t necessarily consider this a health risk due to the need to ingest large amounts of it in order for it to become harmful. For the sake of being safe, try opting for a lead-free lipstick like BareMinerals.

Anti-Wrinkle/Night Cream 

Before you go grabbing for your face creams make sure you check the ingredient label. Retinol is a dangerous ingredient to expose to your growing and developing baby. Research says that retinol may be related to miscarriage and impaired growth.


If you are a lover of cosmetic perfection, you may need to take heed when making your next botox appointment. Researchers feel that these injections can be harmful while pregnant, and no well-controlled adequate studies have been completed giving the okay to these treatments. It’s probably best to just hold off until your bundle of joy is here.



Pregnancy-Proofing Your Beauty Regimen  was originally published on

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