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Dr. Kara Davis says that your mind can impact your heart. African-Americans suffering from depression are at increased risk of heart problems. Unfortunately, African-Americans often do not prioritize their mental health, although it has been proven that is has a significant impact on overall wellness.

The Illinois-based doctor Dr. Davis, who completed her education at the University of Illinois, has a special interest in the connection between mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing with physical disease.  She is a firm believer in the importance of health preservation through lifestyle modification, particularly the role of diet and exercise in disease prevention and she has done research in the area of obesity in African-American women.

Listen to her interview on the Tom Joyner Morning Show below.

Is there something natural to treat depression? My dad has cancer and he had an attack, last week.

Depression is treated with therapy and medications. There is also some benefit with regular exercise. Please don’t dismiss these forms of therapy looking for something “natural.” You dad deserves to feel his best.

My 32 year old daughter is severely depressed. My wife is constantly on the phone with her trying to get her back to living her life. This has been going on for almost 5 years and we are drained by this situation. I have paid for her to see a counselor which seems to help a little temporarily but I can not afford to continue paying out of my pocket. She does not work and has no insurance. Please, how can we help her?

The first step is for her to get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. This should allow her to have more consistent care, with less financial burden to you. I would also suggest the three of you meet, and set some boundaries–especially since she is an adult. It sounds like there may be issues of co-dependency going on.

Help Doctor, my fiancé is chronically depressed. He has been off and on medication. How can depression be eradicated? It is destroying our relationship. He drinks also.

Depression is a chronic disease which can be controlled through regular care, therapy and medications. Many people drink to self-medicate the feelings of depression, and men commonly don’t want to follow-up with regular care. The most you can do is encourage him to seek medical care.

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