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How can you get sexy abs like your favorite celebrities, such as the ever-lovely Gabrielle Union and Taraji P. Henson? Gabrielle maintains her sexy body by sticking to a well-balanced diet. Since she has a sweet tooth, she allows herself occasional treats. She also does Pilates and cardio.

Similarly, Taraji says “If I want great abs, that means less of my two favorites: Popeyes and peach cobbler ala mode.”

Both of these beautiful stars has learned that moderation and portion control are keys to success.

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Core exercises.

What are core exercises?

While sit-ups and crunches only work superficial surface muscles, standing moves strengthen deep core muscles that lead to a great six-pack. Put your mat away and give your neck a rest. Standing abs exercises work more muscles than crunches—and the more muscles we use, the more calories we burn.

Try these toning moves that you can do on your feet, to maintain your taught tummy all year long!

If You Really Want Gabrielle Union’s Sexy Abs…  was originally published on

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