This week Oleebo wanted to review a “family friendly movie that the whole family will love” but he couldn’t find one. So, the “Oleebo Bootleg Choir” sings about how “bad” Aquaman was. Aquaman wasn’t good in the Justice League movie and this one wasn’t any better according to Oleebo. He says it was so boring […]

Since it’s October, Oleebo chose to review a scary movie.  The Oath, seems like Tiffany Haddish’s 112 movie this year! Citizens are asked to sign an oath to the president of the United States over the Thanksgiving holiday with the deadline being Black Friday. During Thanksgiving dinner Federal Agents show up and shake things up! Oleebo […]

We all know black people usually die first in horror movies, but in “The Lazarus Effect,” the black people die before the film even starts! Watch…

TV & Film

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”- Mahatma Gandhi This quote, which has represented growth for so many who wish for a better quality of life served as the heartbeat for the upcoming film "Won’t Back Down" starring Academy-Award nominees, Maggie Gyllenhaal (Jamie Fitzpatrick) and Viola Davis (Nona Alberts). Jamie Fitzpatrick […]