
New Billboard history maker, rapper Drake,  was partying with NBAer Kevin Durant just days before Durant was diagnosed with coronavirus. So now the rap superstar is self-isolating at his mansion in Toronto, according to Page Six. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mWjANFhcq/ The two buds hung out at West Hollywood hotspot […]


WASHINGTON (AP) — In a matter of days, millions of Americans have seen their lives upended by measures to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE. Normally bustling streets are deserted as families hunker down in their homes. Many of those who do venture out try […]


The NBA is considering an idea where some players would be quarantined or isolated for purposes of being able to compete against one another and provide basketball fans with some sort of diversion from the coronavirus pandemic. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver revealed that notion as one […]

Stuck in the house? We can relate. Seems like the way we lived changed overnight due to the coronavirus and it’s not over yet. If you are looking for things to do while you’re on virtual house arrest, here are some options we found for you. EDUCATION: For Parents: Coursera –You can take classes from […]


From finding ways to help others cope to sheltering in place to canceling events, here’s a look at some of the ways the entertainment industry is reacting to the spread of the coronavirus, which most people recover from but can cause severe illness in the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK. […]

It seems like all anyone can talk about nowadays is the coronavirus, and a lot of people are in full on panic mode! Dr. Ian Smith called into the Willie Moore Jr. show to explain what’s really going on. He says that people should be “alarmed by Covid-19,” but we shouldn’t “panic.” He has noticed […]


NEW YORK (AP) — The spreading coronavirus canceled several touring performances from A-list musical artists, but those acts have found a new venue to sing: their living rooms. John Legend, Bono, Coldplay’s Chris Martin, Pink, John Mayer, Keith Urban and more have held virtual concerts from their homes as the world continues to practice social […]

Jared Kushner, who Russ refers to as “the king of all slum lords,” was given the task of advising the president on what to do about the coronavirus. The issue with that is that Kushner has no expertise in infections diseases. While watching Ring Of Fire, Farron Cousins was talking about the whole Kushner family. […]

Since the coronavirus pandemic began life has changed, a lot. People’s anxieties and fears are sky high, schools and jobs are closed  and people are stock piling supplies. People have finally started taking hygiene seriously and there are limits on how many people can gather at a time. Now, the CDC recommendation is to avoid […]

“Oprah” was the top worldwide trending topic on twitter Tuesday night. Some may have assumed it had something to do with the coronavirus, as a num ber of celebs have tested positive. But, it was completely unrelated to that. Rumors were being spread that the 66-year-old media mogul’s home had been raided and she was […]


U.S. hospitals bracing for a possible onslaught of coronavirus patients with pneumonia and other breathing difficulties could face a critical shortage of mechanical ventilators and health care workers to operate them. The Society of Critical Care Medicine has projected that 960,000 coronavirus patients in the U.S. may need to be put on ventilators at one […]

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and pop star wife Ciara have announced they are donating 1 million meals through Seattle’s Food Lifeline to help provide meals for those in need during the coronavirus outbreak. “Obviously this worldwide pandemic, coronavirus, is changing the world. Second by second, minute by minute,” Wilson said. “People are losing loved […]