
Residents of a Florida county started a Change.org petition last month seeking to rename their county to honor Bruce Lee. Currently, the county honors racist Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.


Crews removed remnants of a Confederate statue from North Carolina‘s flagship public university early Tuesday, hours after the school’s outgoing chancellor ordered that the empty pedestal be put into storage because of safety concerns. The University of North Carolina sent a statement around 1 a.m. Tuesday confirming that removal of the pedestal was under way […]

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In Gainesville, Florida, workers hired by the Daughters of the Confederacy chipped away at a Confederate soldier’s statue, loaded it quietly on a truck and drove away with little fanfare. In Baltimore, Mayor Catherine Pugh said she’s ready to tear down all of her city’s Confederate statues, and the city council voted to have them […]

Vanderbilt University will spend $1.2 million to remove the word "Confederate" from a dorm building. The school's chancellor said the word doesn't reflect inclusiveness.

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Blink twice if you’re not surprised that a university named after the commander of the Confederate army in the state of Virginia is not necessarily bending over backwards to welcome black students. Nevertheless, a group of these students attending Washington and Lee University is urging administrators to change up their Confederate heritage and the “dishonorable […]