February is not just Black History Month, it’s also National Children’s Dental Health Month. Here’s why you should WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO RAISE AWARENESS DURING NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH? A: Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease in the country.  When people hear the word chronic disease in kids they […]

WHAT CAN YOU EAT TO DECREASE YOUR RISK OF HEART DISEASE? A heart-healthy diet is one which is low in carbohydrates, cholesterol, and saturated fats but high in fiber, protein, and ‘good’ fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. A vegetarian diet which follows these principles is healthiest, however diets which include lean meats can also […]

WHAT IS A PLANT BASED DIET?   A whole-food, plant-based diet is centered on whole, unrefined, or minimally refined plants.  It’s a diet based on fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes; and it excludes or minimizes meat (including chicken and fish), dairy products, and eggs, as well as highly refined foods like bleached flour, refined […]

Little Known Black History Facts

Dr. Sampson Davis turns 45 today, a far cry from the rough and tumble days living as a boy in Newark, New Jersey. The emergency room physician famously made a pact with two high school friends, with all three of them becoming doctors. Davis grew up the fifth of six children in a cramped space, […]

How often should you see the doctor? I believe all adults should see the doctor at least once a year for a preventive check-up- aka, a “yearly physical” exam. This is a time where your doctor can discuss the following with you: Preventive screenings Immunizations Ordering lab work Reviewing your family history for any changes, […]

It may be cold out right now but that doesn’t keep some people from sweating. It’s a condition called hyperhidrosis and if you have it, you know how embarrassing it can be. Dr. Rani Whitfield shares more about the condition and how to combat it. WHAT EXACTLY IS HYPERHIDROSIS? Hyperhidrosis (hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis) is abnormally excessive sweating that’s not necessarily […]

WHAT ARE THREE WINTER HEALTH AILMENTS THAT ARE COMMON DURING THIS SEASON? IS THERE A WAY TO AVERT THEM?  The three most common winter health ailments are: The Flu, The Common Cold and Winter Sore Throats. The winter season can be absolutely miserable if you are not prepared. There are no cures for any of […]

CAN YOU ACTUALLY DIE WHILE DETOXING FROM ALCOHOL? Absolutely. When a person is dependent upon alcohol, an alcoholic, the body gets accustomed to having the alcohol in the blood stream and accommodates to having it there. When the person stops drinking the body detects this as a deficiency and reacts to it causing both mental […]

Little Known Black History Facts

The late Dr. Roselyn Payne Epps was a pioneering pediatrician and medical administrator who achieved some notable firsts in her long career. Dr. Epps is the first Black national president of the American Medical Women’s Association, and we take a look back at her career on her day of birth. Epps was born on this […]

Little Known Black History Facts

Dr. Richard Francis Jones was a pioneering urologist who helped pave the way for other Black specialists in his field. On this day in 1936, he became the first Black diplomat for the American Board of Urology before a long medical career established and cemented at Howard University.| Dr. Jones was born February 6, 1897, […]

Dr. Jen Caudle returns to discuss a serious, but underreported medical issue – sleep apnea. It’s believed that apnea is a dangerous condition that many people don’t know that they have. Here’s more on the condition and how to treat it: What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a common disorder that causes your breathing […]

An article published recently in Psychology Today reports that so-called millennials (born roughly between 1988 and 1994) are developing an entitlement complex – believing they are superior to others and are more deserving of certain things.  BASED ON YOUR EXPERIENCE, DO MOST MILLENNIALS FEEL SOME FORM OF ENTITLEMENT THAT THE PRIOR GENERATIONS DID NOT? I have […]