
Black America Web celebrates Black Music Month by saluting influential icons in the music industry

App Feed, News, Top News

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Rachel Dolezal faced tough questions about her racial identity long before her career as a civil rights advocate and expert on African-American culture was derailed after recent revelations that she grew up “Caucasian.” More than a decade ago, Howard University’s lawyers questioned whether she had tried to pose as African-American when […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Borrowing a pizza delivery motto, online retail giant Amazon told Congress Wednesday it is developing the technology to use drones to deliver packages in 30 minutes or less, a broad expansion of unmanned flight that is raising concerns about safety, security and privacy. Using commercial drones to quickly deliver packages is probably […]

National News

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The Pennsylvania attorney general’s office is defending an arrangement that allows a top administrator to drive a Mercedes SUV seized in a drug case as his state-issued vehicle. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that the office spent about $6,000 to repair acting chief of staff Jonathan Duecker’s 2006 Mercedes R-350. Spokesman Chuck […]

Top News

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — The woman who resigned as president of the Spokane NAACP after her parents revealed she was white posing as black says there’s no proof they are her mother and father. In an interview with NBC News on Tuesday night, Rachel Dolezal said she hasn’t had a DNA test and there’s no […]

Once again,  a pool confrontation has resulted in a young Black woman getting manhandled by police officers. This time, the location is Fairfield, Connecticut where a family visiting from Ohio was attempting to enjoy the sunshine at the Fairfield Aquatic Center. According to reports, the family was asked to leave when one teen didn’t have […]

Ezra Dolezal, the adopted brother of the embattled former NAACP President wishes his sister would stop the lies and just come clean. reports: Rachel Dolezal has gone from a Spokane, Washington, activist to the focus of a highly charged national debate in recent days, after reports surfaced that she was born white yet has […]

Top News

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — After a third-grader tearfully recounted how another boy had called him “gay” during gym class, teacher Omar Currie chose to raise the issue during story time by reading his students a fable about a prince who falls in love with another prince, ending with a happily-ever-after royal wedding. That decision in […]

  Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the new term “transracial” in light of Rachel Dolezal’s admission of identifying as black although she’s white. “Rather than get into a debate, but people cannot become something their not just based o their life experiences. With our challenge in our time is not get sucked into a debate […]

National News

DANNEMORA, N.Y. (AP) — State police plan to expand the search for two escaped murderers beyond a 16-square-mile area of woods, fields and swamps where the manhunt has been most intense, even as rainy weather hampers their progress. Clinton County Sheriff David Favro said Tuesday that rain has been washing away any scent dogs might […]

  TV critic Eric Deggans from National Public Radio is among the observers both professional and otherwise who feel that Rachel Dolezal‘s interviews on NBC didn’t get to the truth of her fraudulent past. As anyone with a TV or Facebook page knows, Dolezal has been passing herself off as Black for the last decade. In […]

National News, News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Popular foods like pie crusts, frostings and microwave popcorn will be largely rid of artery-clogging trans fats after a decision by the Obama administration to phase them out over the next three years. The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday ordered food companies to phase out artificial trans fats, calling them a […]