If You Missed It

If You Missed It, Originals

Roland Martin talks with Dream Hampton about the ongoing inter-generational beef between Harry Belafonte and Jay Z.  Plus, Hampton gives her opinion on whether celebrities are required to be socially active.

If You Missed It, Originals

Tom and the crew open the show talking about a wide array of topics including Charles Ramsey, two dead Detroit Tigers fans , a salad recall and much more.

If You Missed It, Originals

Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the latest from Cleveland Hero Charles Ramsey.

If You Missed It, Originals

Today’s  Christmas Wish winner is Keturah Monroe.

An estimated three of every four women will have to address the issue of uterine fibroids during their lifetimes and 80 percent of black American women are likely to get them before the age of 50. Fibroid tumors grow in the uterus, generally are not cancerous and can be as small as a pea or […]

Health & Wellness, If You Missed It, Originals

African Americans should be concerned about heart disease. Combined, heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death for African Americans, says Quinn Capers, MD, director of Peripheral Vascular Interventions at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and associate dean of Admissions at Ohio State’s College of Medicine. When asked why African American […]

If You Missed It, Little Known Black History Facts, Originals

Tennessee representative Lois DeBerry was one of the longest-serving women lawmakers in the nation. She was the first black woman elected to the General Assembly from Shelby County and the second throughout the state of Tennessee. The African American Congresswoman was elected in 1972 and was the first woman speaker pro tempore in the House […]

If You Missed It, Originals

Huggy Lowdown jokes with the crew about the 13lb baby born in Germany.

If You Missed It, National News, Originals

Tom Joyner Morning Show commentator Roland Martin talks with Republican Senator Rand Paul about the “Success For Our Children” A Forum on School Choice and the benefits of having charter schools over public schools. Read the full interview below. — ROLAND MARTIN: Education is a huge, huge issue that many Americans are concerned about, especially […]

If You Missed It, Originals

Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with teacher Brooke Harris about being fired for organizing a Trayvon Martin Fundraiser that never occurred and being held responsible for a student protest that she wasn’t involved in.

After 13 NBA seasons, Jalen Rose wanted to use his celebrity, considerable income from the NBA and his commitment to helping youth to uplift his hometown of Detroit. To that end, the former baller, now an NBA analyst for ESPN co-founded a charter school, the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy in Detroit. It opened in 2011, […]

If You Missed It, Weird

Comedian Damon Williams gives us the most ignorant headlines of the week including a story about a man who tried to blame his attempted prostitution purchase on tomatoes.