About Jamai Harris

During these uncertain times a lot of people have questions about their health and finances. Jini Thornton answers some of the most pressing financial questions on the Willie Moore Jr. Show. One common question is, “what’s going on with student loans?”. She says that in addition to freezing interest on federal student loans, Trump has […]

Pastors decided not to cancel service, they still held church and put themselves and their church members at risk. D.L. says people “they risked their lives” in order to attend church instead of using the “discernment” God gave us and being wise. Ir was unwise for pastors to call their congregations together and for those […]

Yusef Salaam spent years of his life in prison for a crime that he didn’t commit. Salaam is a member of the “exonerated five.” When Salaam was “wrongly convicted” he “leaned on his faith,” to get through D.L. says. Now, the country is in the middle of a crisis and  fearful but also faithful. Salaam […]

Workers at a Staten Island Amazon warehouse tried to make that point by staging a walkout, which led to the firing of one of the walkout’s organizers on Monday. CNBC reports that Chris Smalls, a management assistant at the warehouse facility called JFK8, said he was fired on Monday after he organized a walkout to protest […]