About Jamai Harris

The freedom of speech that we take so much pride in, that sets us apart from other countries, is costing people their lives. For example, Maxine Waters has been receiving death threats since she made a comment against the Trump administration. There are people who are threatened, assaulted, and even killed as a result of […]

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the 5th movie in the Jurassic World franchise, and Oleebo the Bootleg Movie Warrior is getting sick of them! In this movie, Christian Pratt’s character has to save all of the dinosaurs before the island is destroyed. The dinosaurs aren’t scary, they look more like giant chickens to Oleebo. One thing the […]

In light of the terrorist attack on the Capital Gazette, and the increasing number of death threats to Maxine Waters, Russ wants to know when Donald Trump is going to be held accountable for his actions. Trump continuously says that the media is the enemy of the people, someone took that to heart and killed […]

Queen Bey found herself in trouble during the Poland show of the On The Run II tour with her husband Jay-Z. The flying stage that was used malfunctioned, leaving Beyonce stuck and unable to get down. Bey, 36, couldn’t do anything but stand and wait as stagehands tried to figure out how to safely get the […]

Roland Martin talks about the attack that the media seems to be under by politicians who don’t want to he held accountable. Donald Trump, who is known for lying, but continues to scream about “fake news” is a prime example. Martin says that lately he finds it hard to watch the TV news, not because […]