About Jamai Harris

A Black Colorado man was cleaning his yard when he was confronted by police who saw his behavior as suspicious. According to the Daily Camera, on Friday, a Boulder police officer saw the man sitting on a patio in an area that had a “private property” sign. The police officer then asked the man if he […]

Gayle King’s interview with R. Kelly is and was a hot topic of discussion. Particularly her ability to remain calm. The Fox News team was discussing it and one of them discussed how good it was that Robin Roberts “redeemed herself from the Jussie Smollett interview.” It looks like we really do all look the […]

When Tyler was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 he was just 12-years-old. He underwent surgery and chemo for a type of bone cancer. His parents noticed that he was “limping on his left leg,” and since he was attending summer camp they thought maybe he was bitten by a bug. But when a huge bump […]