About Jamai Harris

This one could actually be a Black Person Problem, what do you do if you’re in a mixed workout class and the instructor plays rap music with the N word? It makes both Kym and Sherri uncomfortable and they struggle with exactly how to handle the situation. How would you handle it? HEAD BACK TO […]

As candidates begin campaigning for the presidency in 2020 Jacque Reid says that “Black women have political clout like never before.” Black women and the issues that they care about has seemingly created a road map for the 2020 election. Reid goes Inside Her Story with Karine Jean-Pierre, who is a democratic strategist and spokesperson […]

Since Donald Trump has been in office he’s told over 10,000 lies. That number makes Huggy feel like preaching! He’s so tired of all of the lies and the crazy stories coming out of the White House. In typical Huggy style he sings about all of the things in the Trump administration that annoy him. […]

This story sounds like something out of a move but it’s not! A car was pulled over and for whatever reason the passenger was sent on his way. When police searched the car they found drugs, which the driver said belonged to the passenger. So, cops found him a little ways up the road and […]

If there’s anything about Tom Joyner that you should know it’s that he’s a giver. Tom loves giving people gifts and making them feel special but he’s not a fan of receiving things. He says it started when he was a child because both of his parents and brother had February birthdays. HEAD BACK TO […]

As we mourn the loss of the one and only John Singleton, DL can’t help but notice those who are behaving in appropriately. He finds it extremely “weird” that we live in a time where people want to be first more than they want to be accurate. News outlets were reporting that Singleton had passed […]

As humans, who are not doctors, we often want to blindly trust what doctors tell us…or what our friends say doctors say. Some of the things we believe to be true are straight up myths. Things like, we should turn off our phones in hospitals, eating at night makes you fat and its dangerous to […]