About Jamai Harris

Lawmakers in Texas have approved a bill that makes it legal for unlicensed gun owners to carry a handgun in public after a natural disaster. For example if a hurricane hits they can carry their handguns with them 48 hours after a mandatory evacuation order. The new law goes into effect September 1, 2019. D.L. […]

‘Ma’ is a thriller starring Octavia Spencer and it was highly anticipated. In the film, white kids befriend Spencer’s character “Ma” and they think they’re living the life! They used her home as a party house where they could be free and unsupervised. But, just as they think life can’t get much better…it gets worse […]

Terry Smith was sitting in his car in New Orleans during break from work on March 24, when the unthinkable happened. He was shot by a stranger 18 times. The first thing Smith remembers was the sound of breaking glass. “I was sitting in the car, taking a break from work and the glass shattered,” […]