About Jamai Harris

Sherri dated a man who had bad kids. Those kids were so bad it made her say “now I see what happens when humans and demons mate.” She said the father should have spanked outside of the bedroom as much as he did in the bedroom. The worst possible thing the kids can say is […]

A Michigan man caught on surveillance camera seen loading up a cart full of stuff like electronics and then loading them into his car…without paying. He drove off and wasn’t caught but….then he came back got more stuff. Once again he got away with it…then he came back and loaded his car up for a […]

Huggy Lowdown “De Worst and Be Best” are over in London and they weren’t received warmly. The protests are in full gear and even the Trump baby balloon has made an appearance. They’re projecting SS John McCain hats on the sides of the buildings just to get under Trump’s skin. HEAD BACK TO THE BLACKAMERICAWEB.COM […]

Ava DuVernay’s Netflix series about the Central Park 5, When They See Us has scared and started a conversation among parents about how to keep the same from happening to their children. Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with parenting expert and author Denene Millner who believes the series can be the start of an […]

If you saw Beyonce’s Coachella performance or the documentary Homecoming you’ve definitely seen Venzella Joy. She’s the captivating and talented drummer that opened the performance. She became interested in playing drums at a young age and attributes it to her being a “pew baby.” The church she went to was very “charismatic,” and the music […]

It’s not a mystery that racism and bigotry are a problem with American Police. We know it from their actions. We know it from who they target. Who know it from who they shoot and who they take in alive. But a brand new study, the first of its kind taking a deep dive into […]

Recently the news broke that Marvin Sapp is retiring from his church in Grand Rapids and taking over another church in Dallas. Tom says that’s not an actual retirement….he won’t be retiring and going to another station. He insists that he won’t be starting his days or doing anything before noon. HEAD BACK TO THE […]