Black America Web Featured Video

Have you determined your theme for 2020? Perhaps prosperity? Good health? Finding a mate or a better job…or both?

Here at What You Need to Know (WYNTK), each one of us may have our individual themes, but collectively, the 2020 theme is VISION. 2020 VISION, get it? Seriously, it’s more than a goal of the one-hour eyeglass store.

Perhaps we are borrowing from that movie classic, Willie Dynamite: “You’ve got to have vision!” Without VISION, how do we accomplish other themes like prosperity or good health? If you can see it, you can achieve it.

When we started “What You Need To Know,” we did so with the mission to inform and empower the African American community. That takes VISION — to select those topics of news and conversation to inform and empower us today, tomorrow, and in the distant future.

Following in the footsteps of his mentor, Mr. John H. Johnson, Tom Joyner worked on-air and off, to super-serve the African American community. The WYNTK Crew will continue that effort, especially at such a critical time. 2020 is the year for us to stand up and be counted. That not only means registering to vote and voting, but complete the 2020 Census, too.

We can’t do this without you. We are counting on you to be our eyes and ears throughout this country or wherever you are in the world. In our case, VISION is a collective effort. We are all in this together, to inform and to empower. We owe it to those who have gone before us and to those to come.

Happy New Year…and remember, 2020 VISION.