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Source: Alejandro Rivera / Getty

The victim of a horrible school prank is speaking out on the incident and what she’s going to do next.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that a young woman named Lauren Williams from Tennessee had made the decision to shave her head after a bully ripped off her wig at school as part of a cheap bet.

According to News Channel 5, Lauren was actually comforting a friend when she was attacked, and the prank wound up doing a lot of physical damage. The wig, which had been glued to her scalp, ripped out some of her actual hair. Lauren later needed to be taken to a hospital for other injuries she sustained.

The whole humiliating scene was then posted it on Snap Chat as one of the bully’s friends captured everything on camera–even after Lauren ran away.

“She followed me in there, was laughing, videotaping me over the stall,” Lauren said. “My hair was one of my biggest insecurities so I felt like he had taken my power and I wanted it back.”

Lauren, who reportedly suffers from eczema that causes hair loss and breakage, resolved to shave her head.

“When I walk around with a bald head he’ll know that he didn’t do anything but give me more power to speak out to other people,” she said.

Initially, it didn’t seem like the school was going to take any corrective measures against the students who targeted Lauren. Her sister put up a call for action and accountability on her Instagram page; the request seems to have worked to some extent as Williamson County School officials have issued an official statement.

“The Franklin High administration and the School Resource Officer immediately began investigating an incident when it was reported to them Friday afternoon,” “This type of behavior can never be tolerated at school. In addition to school discipline, WCS prosecutes delinquent behavior to the fullest extent of the law.”

The students behind the prank could be in even more trouble with the law as News Channel 5 reports that Lauren’s family also intends to sue the bullies responsible for this episode.

#JusticeForLuLu: Prank Victim Speaks Out On Humiliating Wig Snatch  was originally published on