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Larry Tomczak of has penned a plea to movie mogul Tyler Perry asking him to “return to pleasing God.”

“Because of my respect and love for our multi-gifted brother in Christ, I write this commentary in hopes it will bring about a course correction to his current trajectory. Although imperceptible to some, his career has recently drifted off course. My sincere prayer is that he will read this and make the necessary adjustments.”

Tomczak notes a series of “disturbing developments” unfolding in Mr. Perry’s personal and professional life that he feels needs to be addressed.

First off, he cites a CBN interview in which Tyler spoke of being “saved” and how he had to “forgive on his way to success.” He shared how struggles “kept me humble” and how “God reminds me of this.” He also mentioned that “prayer warriors hold him accountable,” and though he was not married at the time, “I’m so very careful with what I say because of children.”

The writer believes “All of the above is commendable but some recent developments are a cause for concern on two fronts.”

  1. Tyler’s films are “going from obnoxious to offensive.”
  2. Tyler has departed from pleasing God to embracing “promiscuity with your lady friend.”

Tomczark writes:

“Almost everyone knows that the best indicator of success for children is an intact nuclear family with a married father and mother. With the state of the black family in serious decline and the number of African-American children born out of wedlock now at a shocking 72 percent, there is a critical need for visible black leaders to regain the moral high ground and be godly examples.”

“Mr. Perry often refers to the trauma of his dysfunctional childhood experience with the man who was not really his father and who mistreated him. How might his life have been different if he was reared in a home with a godly father and mother married to each other, obeying biblical standards, committed to doing the will of God”

“Not long ago, unfortunately, Tyler began veering off God’s clear path for men and women regarding marriage and family. Millions who look to him as a role model for their lives and their children were shocked. He and his girlfriend, model Gelila, are reported not to be married but rather living together (“lifestyle fornication”). In 2014, they had an out-of-wedlock baby boy, Aman.”

“The same article says Oprah Winfrey is one of their son’s godmothers. Tyler says that the best advice Oprah’s given him is this: “Just live in the moment. Just be present in what is going on in your life.” He says, “For me, I just want to make sure that I’m enjoying it as much as I can.”

“Here’s the deal: material success and New Age advice from people like Oprah Winfrey have influenced Tyler Perry on a dangerous and deceptive path. For millions of us who have followed his career and pointed scores of our youth in his direction, now is the time to pray for his turnaround to once again please the God who has so richly blessed him.”

You can read his full letter to Tyler Perry here.

Do you agree with the author’s point of view?


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