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After hearing of the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, rapper Macklemore took to his Instagram page to speak out against police brutality and called for white people to help affect change in the matter. He blames what happened to Sterling on what he refers to as “hundreds of years of conditioning.”

Under a picture of Alton Sterling, the he wrote:

Macklemore not only calls out law officials for their race-motivated, unjust actions, he also acknowledges his white privilege and addresses how the media spins lies as truth.

“The news, TV, movies, jails, history books, schools and our laws all uphold this false belief,” he opined. “A person isn’t born fearing someone because of the color of their skin. This fear is taught, crafted and instilled in the fabric of our American lives. And although we make strides and progress is measurable at times, I can’t help but think….If I was put in the exact same situation that Alton was in, I would be alive today…Because of the color of my skin. And he’s dead because of his. I often don’t know what to do during these moments.”

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