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For Shoulders & Love Handles

(1) Lie on your back with the roller behind your shoulders. Lace your fingers loosely behind your head and lean your upper back into the roller.  (2)Brace your abs and glutes for stability, and slowly press into the roller on your left side, raising your right shoulder. Roll from your underarms to the bottom of your rib cage. Return to the center and switch sides.


  • Improved circulation
  • Increased blood flow
  • Releases muscle tightness
  • Breaks down knots in your muscles
  • Reduces pain

Things To Remember

Drink water. Staying hydrated keeps your tissues pliable. This is a necessary part of the foam rolling process.

Warm up/Cool down. Foam rollers are good for getting the blood circulating through your body as well as stretching out tightened muscle. Utilize rollers for both warming up and cooling down, as there are benefits to both.

Take it slow. Take your time, as quick movements on the rollers don’t have the same benefits as slow and concentrated ones. This is the time to relax and really dig in deep!

Variety is key. Switch it up a bit. Don’t do the same range of rolling and motion. For your best results try doing multi-directional movements.

Do it daily. Muscle maintenance is important when trying to stay fit and build. Daily foam rolling will not only keep your body from being sore, it helps prevent injury and preps your body for its rest periods.

So, the next time you see someone on a foam roller, go ask them if you can try it next. Your body will thank you. If you are looking to purchase your own do some research on the different types. There are many styles out there that cater to different needs. Smooth rollers give you a good stretch, whereas textured rollers are built to give you a good deep tissue massage. Both are amazing, just know that there is a difference.

Most importantly take your workouts one day at a time and enjoy your progress!

The Do’s Of Using A Foam Roller  was originally published on

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