Depression, one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions, is one sign that despite faking it, you may not be really making it. The most recent estimates from National Institutes of Mental Health indicate that 10.4 million adults in the US (those 18 and older) had one episode of depression that led to significant impairment.

Far fewer Blacks are diagnosed with depression than Whites. But, this does not mean that stress is not taking a toll on our health. In fact, researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Michigan suggest that Blacks use other kinds of behaviors (like overeating and substance use) to mask stress and depression.  These behaviors have their own set of consequences and are another sign that ‘faking it ‘ can have even broader impacts on our health.

Some common symptoms of depression include:

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Irritability
  • Frequent crying
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling hopeless, helpless, sad, or empty
  • Loss of interest in activities

There are different forms of depression and the symptoms described above can range from mild to severe.  Some forms of depression can also be treated with therapy alone and some might indicate the need for medication. But, you won’t know where you stand if you don’t take off the mask and seek help.

Seeking help for depression often runs counter to all the survival advice and social messages we receive. Black women are urged to be superwomen. While Black men are instructed to “take stress like a man”.  But masks and capes are for cartoon characters and masquerade balls.  It’s time we all retire them from use in our day-to-day lives.

So how do you stop faking it and begin really making it?

Depression & Stress: Faking It Until You Make It Can Hurt In The Long Run  was originally published on

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