3. Give your weave room to breathe. If you find yourself in a raging itch battle in the middle of the night, try sleeping with your hair bonnet off – the air will help soothe the scalp and reduce the pain. Stop covering your hair with a hair bonnet while sleeping, because this traps air and makes the itching worse.

4. Avoid applying too much oil or grease to your scalp, because this will only trap itch-causing bacteria. Tea tree oil has been known to ease the pain of itching, but too much of it can be bad as well. Avoid applying too much each day.

5. See A Professional. If you have a severe case of an itch or severe dandruff, one that results in pus forming bumps on the head, please take your scalp to a health professional to have the problem addressed.

Stop Patting Your Head: 5 Tips To Stop Your Scalp From Itching  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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