Minutes 5-7: Shadow Boxing

  1. Hold 1-pound hand weights and come into a boxing stance by bending your elbows with the weights near your face, firming your core with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Start with a jab (short punch with your left hand), then immediately follow with a cross (punch with your right hand).
  3. Get your rhythm down by twisting at your waist as you throw the jab and cross evenly, one after the other with no stopping in between.
  4. Make sure to keep your core tight.
  5. After you’re comfortable with the rhythm, speed it up but keep the movements even and controlled.

1 Minute “Abs Knockout”: Side Plank — Right


  1. Come into plank position.
  2. Roll your weight onto your right hand and the side of your right foot, opening your torso to the left.
  3. Lift the left hand toward the ceiling.
  4. Keep your body in a straight line.
  5. Hold for 1 minute. To make this easier, you can bring your knee to the floor.

Minutes 9-11: Slips


  1. Hold 1-pound hand weights and come into a boxing stance.
  2. Keeping the feet hip distance apart, “slip” from side to side, as if dodging a punch.
  3. Keep your back straight and perform the “slip” by bending at your knees (not at the waist).
  4. As you slip to the right, rotate your torso so your left shoulder points in front of you.
  5. As you slip to the left, rotate so your right shoulder points in front of you.
  6. Keep slipping from side to side without stopping and increase your speed as you get your rhythm down.

Once you have your rhythm, up the intensity by adding punches. As you slip to the right, throw a left jab (this will make sense to you as you do it because your left shoulder will be moving forward as you slip to the right). As you slip to the left, throw a right cross. Keep the core firm and keep it going: You ought to be sweating if you’re doing it right!

1 Minute “Abs Knockout”: Side Plank — Left


  1. Come into plank.
  2. Roll your weight onto your left hand and the side of your left foot, opening your torso to the right.
  3. Lift the right hand toward the ceiling.
  4. Keep your body in a straight line.
  5. Hold for 1 minute. To make this easier, you can bring your knee to the floor.

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Minute 13-15: Jump Rope

Repeat minutes 1-3.

Combine this boxing body blast with your regular routine and others will be throwing punches just to get close to you. Don’t forget to smile and laugh when working out. As Epps says, “It’s more fun with a joke or two!”


Mike Epps’ Boxing Workout Is Nothing To Laugh At  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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