1 lemon

This is a super detox agent with phenomenal anti-bacterial/fungal properties that stops “period skin” in its tracks! No more excess oil, blackheads and little red bumps.

Ginger (at least as big as your thumb)

Your cramps will lose once they get the one-two punch from ginger root. It has super strength anti-inflammatory properties that have been known to win the battle against menstrual cramps for years!


  1. Wash everything, then toss in a juicer or blender.
  2. If using a juicer, add the ginger last, separately, after mixing the rest. If using a blender, peel the ginger and add a cup of water to the mixture to help the liquefying process.
  3. The end result should be a nice bright orange color.
  4. Try it over ice with a straw while lying in bed with a hot water bottle on your throbbing uterus
  5. Stir before drinking.
  6. Any left over juice that you may have, please refrigerate in an airtight container and discard after three days.

Now THAT’S natural cramp relief!

Juice Your Cramps Away!  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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