Drastic changes in temperature from hot to cold can bring on a crises episode, known to bring on extreme pain in the body. Monitor a child’s bodily temperature by packing the adequate clothing to accommodate temperature changes. Pack a sweater for rooms that may be chilly or cold, and encourage your child to be aware of when he or she becomes overheated or chilly. Send a note to school with your child to notify the teacher to keep an eye on them to make sure he or she is maintaining a regulated body temperature.

Use massage and warm baths to ease crises episodes.

Crises episodes can vary in level of pain for each child. Ease your child’s pain by using massage and warm baths to ease pain within the bones.

Supervise physical activity.

Physical activity can raise body temperature that can bring on a crises episode.  Supervise physical activity closely to ensure your child does not become overheated.



Caring For Your Child With Sickle Cell Anemia  was originally published on blackdoctor.org

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