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Horoscopes for the week of February 2nd  

When you can take the bad with the good and still remain positive, you’re winning.

With so much activity happening on the Aquarius-Leo axis, there is added emphasis on collective concerns versus the concerns of the individual ego. We’re being asked to consider the big picture in certain situations, and avoid falling into the trap of making things personal. A balance must be struck in other words, because really, it ain’t always about you. The astrology this week begs us to search for compassion and understanding while swallowing our pride, so that important connections, networks, and group affiliations focused on change can proceed effectively.

The Moon grows full in the sign of Leo on Tuesday, February 3rd, exact around 6:09 p.m. EST. This Full Moon will be very close to the planet Jupiter in the sky (which will be visible to the naked eye), and will oppose the Sun in Aquarius. Full Moons bring an important shift or ending. Because Jupiter expands everything it touches, and the Moon represents the emotional tides, whatever culminates will be full of drama, and it could very well hurt your feelings. What transpires, however, will be a wake-up call that may lead to the release of unreasonable demands. If we can let go of an unhealthy need for applause and recognition, others, those you would least expect, might become more willing to celebrate our authentic gifts and contributions.

This will be an “a-ha” inspiring Full Moon. Ridding ourselves of a self-serving attitude in order to embrace a larger spectrum will be necessary. This takes courage, and there will be plenty of that on tap. But eventually, we will come to feel even more empowered as a result. Check your horoscopes below to see what’s in store this week ahead, and don’t forget to ready for your Ascendant sign too!

On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at

Aries: Are you just friends, or is there more to the story? Blurred lines may be forming this week, courtesy of the Leo Full Moon, and the answers you seek in a complicated romance may finally be revealed. If you and your boo are on the same page, then you may be reaching a milestone event with one of your children. This could also affect a creative project, as a joint venture reaches completion. No matter what occurs, emotions will be heightened. Be sure to keep your cool, Aries. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Taurus: You have got to find a home/work balance, dear Bull. Without it, you will be the one who suffers. Activities at the office may be keeping you busy, and thus, causing strain with close loved ones at home. Or it may be reversed; matters on the family front may prevent you from keeping focus on certain job tasks. Ultimately, you are the one responsible for finding a happy medium. Your emotional security is at stake, courtesy of the Full Moon. A little tender loving care seems necessary. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Gemini: It’s wonderful to know what you know, Gemini, but you are limiting yourself by only applying your skills and knowledge to those areas that are familiar. If you hope to expand in wisdom and education, you are going to have to step outside of the proverbial box. This doesn’t mean you can’t stick to the basics. But at some point, you must challenge yourself to match what you’ve mentally acquired with new forms of learning and information. Stretch those wings and fly. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Cancer: What you value and find to be of significance, Cancer, may not be in line with what others value and find to be of significance. This doesn’t mean that a stalemate is inevitable, but it does mean that some bargaining might be necessary. With the Moon growing Full in Leo, a personal treasure or desire may have to be forfeited in order for you to find common ground in an important negotiation (be it financially or romantically speaking). Don’t get too overwhelmed by a fear of loss. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Leo: Some element of your ego, dear Lion, must die if you hope to sustain an important connection. I’m not suggesting that you bow down and surrender. What I am suggesting is that you take a long hard look at what matters to you the most when it comes to significant others, and do what may be necessary if you hope to keep said “other” in your life. If you find, however, that what matters to you is something that can not be fulfilled in your relationship, then it may be time to cut your loses. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Virgo: There has never been a more potent opportunity to lead with your heart. But first, you will have to grasp what exactly that entails, and get comfortable with it. As an analytical thinker, you tend to do what logically makes sense. While admirable, life is not meant to be lived strictly from a place of logic. There are shades of gray to consider, which will soon be revealed in more contrast. You are being given the opportunity to finally accept what doesn’t make sense, and act accordingly. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Libra: There’s nothing wrong with a little flirty fun, Libra. But you may want to be mindful of engaging with someone who has only been a friend up to this point. Feelings may be triggered, and that’s fine. Just be mindful of those blurred lines. Meanwhile, a creative project could reach completion with the help of a few close contacts. You don’t have to do everything yourself; group activities are more fun for you anyway. Children are highlighted too; it takes a village to raise one. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Scorpio: Increased activity on the domestic front may be exactly what you need, Scorpio, especially as work matters come to a close. An important shift is in store career wise, which could lead to a better home/work balance, one that you’ve been desperate for these days. Ultimately, something has got to give so that you can begin to tend to those things that matter most – namely family and loved ones. Try not to let an increased workload prevent you from getting some much-needed TLC. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Sagittarius: Sagittarius the Archer is known to be the ultimate truth-seeker. But sometimes, even you can be a little too rigid or self-righteous. An important attitude shift may be necessary as we approach the Full Moon, and there’s no time like the present to alter your beliefs. One clue as to where your thinking could be skewed is by noticing how your thoughts are being shared. If others seem to be misunderstanding your words, it’s quite possible that it’s you, and not necessarily them. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Capricorn: Certain assets or resources shared with others might shift around the time of the Full Moon. A partner (in marriage or business) may need to adjust his or her investment in a joint venture, and you may find yourself no longer willing to be vulnerable. Some levelheadedness will be necessary if you hope to navigate where your input ends and another’s begins. By March, financial matters, or matters of the heart, should be resolved. Try to avoid signing the dotted line until then. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Aquarius: Relationships with significant partners (in business or pleasure) have grown these past few months, and you have benefited a great deal as a result. Now it’s time to take stock of all your important associations in order to celebrate those that enhance your growth, and release those that limit you. As a fixed sign, you tend to mate for keeps, whether with friends or lovers. But someone may soon have to exit your life, which may prove to be best in the long run. Let them go if you must. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details!

Pisces: As much as you wish to remain in a state of bliss and enchantment, there are many tasks that you must tend to. However, you don’t have to do it all at once, dear Pisces; you’ve got just a little more time to intuit certain next steps before you make any major moves. The Full Moon on Tuesday may speed up the process of your process, as an important task is finally completed. It will be all systems go from there, just be sure to mind your pace and stay in the flow of what you know. My new webinar for February has just been announced! Single? This one’s for you. Visit for details.

Tracey L. Rogers is an Astrologer and certified Life Coach in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. With over 15 years of experience, Tracey brings clarity and insight explaining how astronomical activity above affects us down below, while her coaching services motivate you to live a fully empowered life! You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. For more information on services, visit