
How much does Jennifer Hudson weigh? Hudson weighs 138 pounds, give or take, according to, but given what we know about her dramatic weight loss, that number doesn’t seem quite right. The Grammy-winning singer, Academy Award-winning actress, former American Idol contestant and Weight Watchers pitchwoman once weighed 200 pounds, but between October 2009—shortly after […]


The makers of the iPad and iPhone have been all over the news this week after a so-called “bad quarter,” and the stock fell about 5% for the week. Did the company lose a lot of money? You might think so, but no. Apple didn’t lose a dime. In fact, it made a ton of […]

Entertainment News

OSLO, Norway (AP) — A lawyer representing Snoop Dogg says the American rapper has been banned from entering Norway for two years after trying to enter the country with a small amount of marijuana last month. Holger Hagesaeter, the rapper's legal representative in Norway, told The Associated Press on Saturday that his client "can live […]

Top News

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — An Arkansas man suspected of killing his parents and taking his adopted 12-year-old sister to Memphis will be extradited to face capital murder charges, Little Rock police said Sunday. Meanwhile, detectives have picked up his sister in Tennessee and brought her back to Arkansas, where she is in Department of […]

Health & Wellness

KITGUM, Uganda (AP) — Augustine Languna's eyes welled up and then his voice failed as he recalled the drowning death of his 16-year-old daughter. The women near him looked away, respectfully avoiding the kind of raw emotion that the head of the family rarely displayed. "What is traumatizing us," he said after regaining his composure, […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Penn State's president says the university is adequately covered to handle lawsuits stemming from the child sex abuse scandal but hopes to settle many of them "as quickly as possible." Rodney Erickson told CBS's "Face the Nation" program in an interview taped for broadcast Sunday that the university has liability coverage like […]

National News

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) — A man who saved his girlfriend's life at the Colorado movie shooting was remembered for his selfless sacrifice Saturday, while an aspiring sportscaster was praised for her boundless energy and an Air Force reservist as a good friend. The girlfriend who Matt McQuinn saved by taking three bullets aimed at her […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Stubbornly close and deeply divisive, the presidential race throttles into its last 100 days as an enormous clash over economic vision, with the outcome likely to come down to fall debates, final unemployment numbers and fierce efforts to mobilize voters. It may seem like an election for the whole nation, but only […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats have their thumbs on Republican scales in Senate primaries in Missouri and Wisconsin this summer, hoping to improve their own chances of maintaining a majority in November. The idea isn't quite as far-fetched as it might sound. Two years ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's allies invested heavily in an effort […]

Top News

CHICAGO (AP) — The announcement that Jesse Jackson Jr. had been transferred to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota pinned down his whereabouts for the first time in weeks and gave clear confirmation that the Illinois congressman is suffering from depression. It also was the first mention that he's now being treated for a "gastrointestinal issue," […]

National News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Vice President Dick Cheney says it was a mistake for Republican Sen. John McCain to pick Sarah Palin as his vice presidential nominee. Cheney says he liked Palin, but that she didn't pass the test of being ready to be president and that McCain's campaign didn't handle the vetting process well. […]

National News

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The wife of Trayvon Martin's shooter has entered a plea of not guilty on a perjury charge. Shellie Zimmerman will be arraigned Tuesday in central Florida after a judge said she lied about her and husband George Zimmerman's finances during a bond hearing. Shellie Zimmerman was arrested June 12 and released […]