This week, the Senate, or more specifically, Senate Republicans, had two opportunities to show that their wing of the legislative body had a heart as…

If you let Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) tell it, then there is no such thing as a “war on women,” and even if there was, women are…

National News, News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday implored Senate colleagues to support a sweeping overhaul of federal sentencing guidelines, saying they disproportionately affect minorities and are reminiscent of Jim Crow laws. “There is no justice here,” said the libertarian and potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate. “It is wrong and it needs to change.” […]

In a National Review profile focused on his past life as an ophthalmologist and all of the pro-bono work performed over the years, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky)…

As Republican Party state officials across the country continue to give restrictive Jim Crow voter ID laws the modern spin, their cohorts on the national…

If You Missed It, National News, Originals

Tom Joyner Morning Show commentator Roland Martin talks with Republican Senator Rand Paul about the “Success For Our Children” A Forum on School Choice and the benefits of having charter schools over public schools. Read the full interview below. — ROLAND MARTIN: Education is a huge, huge issue that many Americans are concerned about, especially […]