30 bullets entered the body of a 26-year-old Black man in a California Walmart parking lot on April 5. Diante Yarber sat in his car at the parking lot when police officers arrived at the store according to Vox via a press release. Officers were called in after getting reports of a “suspicious vehicle” and tried to give a traffic stop. During the stop, […]

If You Missed It

As always, we have a lot going on in our country, and it can be hard to keep up, so this morning instead of taking a deep dive on one issue, I’d like to give you some thoughts on three different important stories. First, I want to give you an update on Starbucks. As you’ve […]

If You Missed It

“Police brutality in the United States is not worse. Phones and social media just make it feel that way.” I see and hear some version of that thought pretty much every single day. It’s a lie. It sounds good. I wish that was what we’re dealing with right now. But it’s not. See, some things are […]

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick celebrated Jackie Robinson Day by tweeting out the baseball legends famous quote. “I cannot stand and sing the National Anthem. I cannot salute the flag; I know that I am a Black man in a white world,” tweeted Kaepernick according to the Huffington Post. On April 15, 1947, Jackie Robinson […]

Matt Barnes, an ex-NBA player, has started a college fund for the sons of Stephon Clark according to Good Black News.  Clark is the unarmed 22-year-old Black man that was killed by a police officer in Sacramento, California. After cops asked him to put his hands up they thought they saw a gun in his hands and shot him. Only to find out […]

Top News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn had his first major encounter with officers as a kid who witnessed a murder in a tough part of California’s capital city. His second: as a teenager busted on allegations of assaulting an officer. “Nobody in my neighborhood thought about being a police officer,” Hahn said […]

Top News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — City officials braced for more protests as mourners gathered Thursday for the funeral of a 22-year-old, unarmed black man who was shot to death by Sacramento police in his grandparents’ backyard. The Rev. Al Sharpton planned to give the eulogy at services for Stephon Clark. Sharpton has called the shooting an […]

One mom is angry after New York City Police Department officers left her daughter handcuffed to a pole for 7 hours on March 20. The New York Daily News reports, 15-year-old Lelani Pacific-Jack was given permission by her mother leave school early after having painful menstrual cramps at Midwood High school. While in front of the school, Lelani […]

If You Missed It

This is one of those mornings where I have a lot to squeeze into my segment. As you already know, the United States is a deeply problematic country. As a journalist my struggle is never finding material to talk or write about – quite the opposite – my struggle is wading through all of the […]

A South Carolina volunteer officer has raised concerns about his duty after shooting at Black motorist during a traffic stop without reason. According to Post And Courier, State Constable Christopher Bachochin fired his gun on Saturday night March 24 during a ride along with an officer of the Florence police department. In firing his gun he […]

Stephon Clark was the 22-year-old unarmed Black man who was killed by police in Sacramento, California. Rev. Al Sharpton will be giving the eulogy at his funeral but wants us to remember to not give up the fight. “Again another police officer seeing an unarmed Black man and saying we thought he had a gun,” […]

3/28/18- Between the shocking decision on the Alton Sterling case, Stephon Clark  getting shot to death in California and a 16-year-old girl getting body slammed at a grocery store the cry for justice is at an all-time high. Tom, Sybil, and Guy are in awe of just how much injustice can happen in a few […]