There are a few pastors who think they can out preach Bishop Secular, so they had a pastor preach off to see who was the best.…

Marcus D. Wiley busting on church’s with terrible website etiquette. Listen to this edition of Church Busters to hear the dos and don’ts of the church web…

Bishop Secular said a young man proposed to his girlfriend in front of everyone at church Sunday. You would think she would’ve said “yes” even if…

Bishop Secular had the opportunity to talk to his favorite older pastor, Reverend Two Canes. Listen to the audio player to hear how he got the…

Marcus D. Wiley wants to know what’s up with churches that have a myriad of church vehicles, but don’t pick up any members. Listen to…

 In this edition of Ask Professor Wiley, Marcus D. Wiley gets a letter from a man who said yes to his girlfriend’s marriage proposal when he…

Bishop Secular says he would never date outside of his race. However, he doesn’t have a problem with people who do. Listen to the audio…

It’s been a while since Bishop Secular had to fire a musician at the church. Unfortunately the church band isn’t committed like they used to be.…

Bishop Secular is trying something new with baptisms at his church. Instead of water, they will now use cocoa butter! Listen to the audio player to…

Bishop Secular says one of his members was involved in a car accident that left them in a wheelchair. The doctors said he would walk again…

Bishop Secular says the finance committee isn’t happy with one of their members, Archy. Apparently some of his old club habits has trickled into the church.…

Today’s Sanctified Sermon topic comes from Matthew 25:1-4.  Marcus D. Wiley focuses on the five wise virgins and the five not so wise virgins in this scripture. Listen…