After two months of becoming acquainted with my natural hair, I realize that several notions about natural hair and its care just aren’t true. Before…

Top News

In a world where weaves, wigs, extensions, clip ins, you name it, have become the norm amongst black women in the U.S. and abroad, you may ask yourself, why can’t black women just grow their own, long hair? Daily we see black women vying to fulfill their fantasy of having long, thick, healthy hair, and […]

Marie Claire met #BlackTwitter on Wednesday, after the magazine tweeted a picture of Kendall Jenner wearing her hair partially cornrowed and labeling the style as “bold” and “epic.” The intense outrage came from the audacity of the magazine praising Kendall for a “new” hairstyle that she didn’t create. The color of her skin and her family’s […]

If You Missed It

Water and perm don’t mix. Just ask Katt Williams. Find out what happened when a cruiser asked if he’d like a towel to cover his perm. Hold on to your seat!

Chances are, if you watched sitcoms during the 90s, then you’d be familiar with actress Countess Vaughn. She was the funny girl on “Moesha”, then…

Life & Style

In 2009, Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks created Black Girls RUN! in an effort to tackle the growing obesity epidemic in the black community and…

Spring is approaching and women want quick, easy, and cute hair. Jennifer Harris, owner of Perfect Hair Collection, joins “The Yolanda Adams Morning Show” to share…

Memphis-area news anchor, Pam McKelvy decided to share her natural hair with the world on camera, and the results were beautiful! After battling breast cancer,…

There is no greater feeling than the energy you get after a workout, but there’s nothing worse than your hairdo being wrecked to shame afterwards.…

DL Hughley Show Trending

Michelle Obama: First Lady, style icon and the epitome of a strong, black woman. While many wonder what she will do next, or what she’ll have on next, others ask who’s responsible for her flawless hairstyles. Johnny Wright, the First Lady’s exclusive hairstylist, and artistic style director for SoftSheen-Carson, is the First Lady’s go-to guy […]

12 year-old Vanessa VanDyke was forced with a decision by her private school Faith Christian Academy in Orlando, Florida to cut her hair or face…

I’ve never been the girl with a nighttime hair regimen. I know, shoot me! You won’t find a satin bonnet or pillow cases in my…