Some people believe that when you make it out of the hood you’ve made it in life and all of your problems fade away. But, that’s not exactly true. Black suburban families have struggles that they face too. For example, as a child you’re always the prime suspect for whatever was stolen at the sleepover, […]

Relationships can be fun and exciting, especially in the beginning stages. But, if you find yourself doing any of the following things you’re moving way too fast and need to pump the breaks. If you open up a joint bank account, make a large purchase, have a baby or ditch all of your friends “for […]

Are you getting the vibe that your man isn’t feeling sexy time? Well there are some reasons your man doesn’t want to make love. If your man “struggled” last time he may not be feeling it. If you cried earlier, or just had a pregnancy scare…those aren’t exactly sexy things.

If you’re still single one, or a few, of these reasons could be why and they’re not all bad. You could be single because you’re too focused on being in a relationship, you don’t realize when people are flirting with you or, maybe your confidence is intimidating. But, one huge reason you could still be […]

Some gender stereotypes are super annoying but there are some that actually work in women’s favor. Having cheaper car insurance, getting a cab because your feet hurt from your heels, having men lift things for you, and liking chick-flicks all work out pretty well for women. What are some that aren’t so bad to you? […]

There are some things that none of us can seem to remember! You may think you’re forgetful but I promise it’s not just you. Most of us forget our kids names at some point, and we all forget to pay that one bill that’s not on auto-pay. And of course none of us can remember […]

While dating there are sometimes warning signs that the relationship won’t work out. Unfortunately a lot of women ignore these signs. A lot of the time women ignore the fact that she and her man can’t agree on anything, he doesn’t like your friends and they don’t like him. Check out the full list in […]

If you’re in a perfectly good relationship, good for you! But, look out for these 10 things that can completely ruin your relationship. If you place too much attention on your mate and your whole life revolves around them that can make them feel smothered. You can also ruin your good relationship by telling your […]

Sometimes women have perfectly good reason to turn a guy down, but other times the reasons are just ridiculous. Ladies if you turn down a guy because he’s not a Michael Jackson fan, reminds you of your dad, he has a poor sense of fashion, he has the same name as your ex… might want […]

If you know someone who is scared of flying, you may be tempted to try to ease that fear. But, please don’t say any of these things. Please don’t tell them, “it’s going to be okay,” they probably know it’s going to be okay but they’re still scared. And as kind as you’re trying to […]

There are some foods like garlic and onion that we all know cause body odor; but some foods will shock you. Broccoli is a food that we probably don’t associate with body odor but it can cause some major funk. Fried food also messes with your body odor, especially when you sweat. Don’t Miss Out! […]

Michael Jackson’s entire life and career were iconic, but there are some top moments. Some of the top moments are, We Are The World, any music video he danced in, the moon walk, and his role in The Wiz. But, the number one moment that most of us can agree on is Thriller! Don’t Miss […]